Front of note Rear of note Front of note Front of note Front of note Front of note Front of note Rear of note Rear of note Rear of note Rear of note
Front of note / Look / Print Quality Front of note / Look / Print Quality
Front of note / Look / Watermark Front of note / Look / Watermark
Front of note / Look / Security Thread Front of note / Look / Security Thread
Front of note / Look / See Through Front of note / Look / See Through
Front of note / Look / Microprint Front of note / Look / Microprint
Front of note / Look / Serial Numbers Front of note / Look / Serial Numbers
Front of note / Look / Denomination Numerals Front of note / Look / Denomination Numerals
Front of note / Feel / Paper Quality Front of note / Feel / Paper Quality
Front of note / Feel / Raised Print Front of note / Feel / Raised Print
Front of note / Tilt / Latent Image Front of note / Tilt / Latent Image
Front of note / Tilt / Gold Foil Front of note / Tilt / Gold Foil
Front of note / Check / UV Fluorescence Front of note / Check / UV Fluorescence
Front of note / Check / Compare Front of note / Check / Compare
Rear of note / Check / Compare Rear of note / Check / Compare
Rear of note / Look / Print Quality Rear of note / Look / Print Quality
Rear of note / Look / Watermark Rear of note / Look / Watermark
Rear of note / Look / Denomination Numerals Rear of note / Look / Denomination Numerals
Rear of note / Feel / Paper Quality Rear of note / Feel / Paper Quality
Rear of note / Feel / Raised Print Rear of note / Feel / Raised Print
Rear of note / Check / UV Fluorescence Rear of note / Check / UV Fluorescence
Clydesdale Bank £10 note
Famous Scots Series
Size: 142mm x 75mm
Colour: Brown
Design Features: (click to highlight an area of interest)
  • An illustration of Slessor's work in Calabar (Nigeria)
  • A map of the area
  • A lithographic vignette depicting her work with children
  • Sailing ship emblem
Clydesdale Bank £10 note
Famous Scots Series
Size: 142mm x 75mm
Colour: Brown
Design Features: (click to highlight an area of interest)
  • Mary Slessor, the missionary to West Africa
  • Engraving containing a figure at a machine and a boat
  • Diamond shaped symbol in bottom left corner
  • Sailing ship emblem
  • Clydesdale Bank logo
Look: Print Quality
Lines should be sharp and well defined with no blurred edges. Colours should be clear and distinct. Print Quality
Look: Watermark
When you hold the note up to the light the watermark of Mary Slessor should become visible, appearing as shades of light and dark. When the note is laid against a table the watermark image will appear light around its perimeter. The watermark feature is visible from both sides of the note. Watermark Watermark
Look: Security Thread
The SECURITY THREAD is visible as silver windows when the note is laid flat. However, when the note is held up to the light the thread becomes visible as a continuous line containing the word 'CLYDESDALE'. Security Thread Security Thread
Look: See Through
The sailing ship emblem at the bottom right of the note is white, silver and orange when the note is laid flat but should fill neatly with blue on the top left and bottom right quadrants from the back of the note when held up to the light. See Through See Through
Look: Microprint
When examined closely with a good quality magnifying glass the text beneath the portait of Mary Slessor should read 'CLYDESDALEBANKPLCCLYDESDALEBANKPLC'. Additionally, when examined under magnification the text contained in the patterned block to the right of the portrait should read 'CB10 CB10'. Microprint Microprint
Look: Serial Numbers
Each note has a unique number which is printed once horizontally on the upper left and once vertically on the bottom right of the front of the note. Serial numbers consist of one letter over two letters followed by six numbers. The size of print font used in the horizontal serial number increases from left to right. Serial Numbers
Look: Denomination Numerals
On the front of the note the number '10' appears on its own at the centre but is accompanied by a '£' sign at the top right corner. Denomination Numerals
Feel: Paper Quality
The paper should feel crisp - not limp, waxy or shiny. Paper Quality
Feel: Raised Print
If you run your finger along the Clydesdale Bank PLC title, the promise to pay and the words Ten Pounds you will feel raised print. Raised Print
Tilt: Latent Image
The area near the centre of the note contains two images bearing the digit '10'. The white image on the left is permanently visible but the one on the right can only be seen when you look along the breadth of the note. Latent Image
Tilt: Gold Foil
If you tilt the note under the light, the GOLD FOIL beneath the £10 denomination in the top right hand corner of the note shines and reflects the light. Gold Foil
Check: UV Fluorescence
If you place the note under a good quality ULTRA-VIOLET light, you will see highlighted on the front of the note panels behind and to the right of the portrait of Mary Slessor, a six line horizontal and a six line vertical barcode, the vertical Serial Number and parts of the sailing ship. UV Fluorescence UV Fluorescence
Check: Compare
Always compare both sides of a suspect note with another note that you know to be genuine, looking for differences between the two. Make sure you check the size of a suspect note against a known genuine note. Compare
Check: Compare
Always compare both sides of a suspect note with another note that you know to be genuine, looking for differences between the two. Make sure you check the size of a suspect note against a known genuine note. Compare
Look: Print Quality
Lines should be sharp and well defined with no blurred edges. Colours should be clear and distinct. Print Quality
Look: Watermark
When you hold the note up to the light the watermark of Mary Slessor should become visible, appearing as shades of light and dark. When the note is laid against a table the watermark image will appear light around its perimeter. The watermark is visible from both sides of the note. Watermark Watermark
Look: Denomination Numerals
On the back of the note the denomination numeral appears near the top left corner. Denomination Numerals
Feel: Paper Quality
The paper should feel crisp - not limp, waxy or shiny. Paper Quality
Feel: Raised Print
If you run your finger along the Clydesdale Bank PLC title, the promise to pay and the words Ten Pounds you will feel raised print. Raised Print
Check: UV Fluorescence
If you place the note under a good quality ULTRA-VIOLET light, you will see highlighted on the back of the note a fluorescent panel incorporating part of the engraving of the map. UV Fluorescence UV Fluorescence